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Compliance Risk

Which challenges or vulnerabilities below impact your business' current
Compliance Risk? Answer all 10 questions to get your Compliance Management
Score and rate your compliance risk.

True False True False
Actionable data: Results and compliance documents are compiled and stored in a spreadsheet, hard drive and/or filing cabinet, but we don’t analyze aggregate trends or measure outcomes. Scheduling burden: Scheduling and tracking the required compliance activities, results and documents consumes an excessive amount of time and effort.
Errors and omissions: Errors and missing information are sometimes not recognized until a problem actually occurs. Exceptions & Details: Tracking or documenting exceptions and follow-up details for one or multiple employees is inefficient or error-prone.
Manual tracking: Remembering and following up on employees' problems and issues that require attention sometimes slips through the cracks. Insufficient Time: There isn’t enough time in the work week to process all the paper work and data to ensure compliance data are current, correct and complete.
Measure Effectiveness: We do the required compliance activities and trainings, but we don’t have a way to specifically analyze how effectively we’re doing it. Multiple facilities: Our business is dispersed across multiple locations or geographies, and each site manages its information differently or with separate tools.
One-at-a-Time Approach: The results for each individual employee activity are reviewed and recorded one at a time, but not in aggregate over time. Wait for Problems: We assume we’re ‘in compliance’ if OSHA or MSHA doesn’t issue a citation or doesn’t conduct an inspection.
The webOSCAR technology platform was developed by an Occupational Medicine physician with over 25 years’ experience providing medical and compliance consultation services to highly regulated, hazardous industries.
His insight into the challenges and complexities these industries face in achieving effective compliance, and the importance of this process to protecting their employees’ health, was his impetus for starting Verdi Technology and creating webOSCAR.
About Verdi Technology, Inc.
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