NIOSH Science Blog features Dr. James Craner as Hear and Now Noise Safety Challenge Winner12/19/2016
At the Hear and Now Challenge, Dr. Craner represented his team and introduced webOSCAR’s patent-pending dBw method for automated audiometric data analysis. Dr. Craner recognized a key paradox companies face in effectively fulfilling health and safety regulatory requirements... Read More:
webOSCAR Selected As Finalist in the OSHA Noise Safety Challenge10/14/2016
webOSCAR™ has been selected by OSHA, MSHA and NIOSH as one of the 10 finalists in the US Department of Labor’s “Hear and Now” technology challenge. Dr. James Craner, president of Verdi Technology, Inc., will present webOSCAR’s patent-pending audiometric data analytic methods and tools at the Noise Safety Challenge event in Washington, DC on October 27, 2016.
Workplace noise over-exposure impacts more than 22,000,000 workers in the USA, most of whom are employed by small- to medium-sized businesses. Worldwide, noise-induced hearing loss is the most prevalent occupational disease. The OSHA and MSHA Noise Standards, which have been in place 30 years, are intended to prevent occupational noise-induced hearing loss. Companies in the USA spend billions of dollars annually on products and services to implement hearing conservation programs to comply with these regulatory requirements.
Even with the continuous enforcement of these regulations, the incidence of occupational noise-induced hearing loss remains unacceptably high. In addition to the profound human impairment caused by hearing loss, hundreds of millions of dollars are expended in workers’ compensation and public disability insurance claims. As a result, OSHA, MSHA and NIOSH have recently challenged the private sector to design innovative solutions that help companies overcome barriers in work-induced hearing loss prevention.
Dr. Craner’s extensive training and experience as an occupational medicine physician providing medical surveillance to workers and consulting to companies in hazardous, highly regulated industries provided him with the unique insight to understand why this problem persists and create a technology solution.
Dr. Craner collaborated with a PhD statistician colleague to solve this problem by developing and testing the proprietary dBw™ metric and analytic method.
By integrating this patent-pending (US PTO # 62|401620) data analysis into webOSCAR’s affordable, real-time, automated information management platform for managing health and safety compliance data, employers of all sizes can leverage their information to better protect employees’ hearing and effectively meet and exceed compliance requirements.
This technology allows companies to achieve Best Practices for hearing loss prevention and risk management—without changing their regulatory compliance requirements or incurring additional expenses for staffing, information technology support, or external technical expertise.
The webOSCAR technology platform was developed by an Occupational Medicine physician with over 25 years’ experience providing medical and compliance consultation services to highly regulated, hazardous industries.